Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Playing in the sun.

Here is a little video of Grayson out in the sun yesterday. It has been such a nice week that we blew up his ball pit and left it on the deck. Also here are a few pictures of him outside in the yard.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Some news

OK I just wanted to let you all know, if anyone still looks at this, that I may be slacking ALOT in the next few months. Being that I am pregnant and feeling extra tired, fat and sore I am finding it harder and harder to do anything constructive. That being said, I will try and get a few pics of Grayson up form time to time, a pic of the nursery when it is complete and maybe a belly shot or 2 if I am in the mood. So for now, here are pics of Grayson raking the lawn yesterday
and the first item of baby clothes that I purchased.
I am not getting too much for the first year as the baby can wear all Grayson's old stuff but after the 1 year mark I will need new stuff.

Hope this finds people still interested in our life and reading this from time to time.


A Year in the Life