Thursday, September 27, 2007

Just a taste

Here is the first picture I was sent from others at the wedding. This was last Saturday, September 22nd, 2007.

And yes, the little man in the tux, no not Shane, Ha Ha, stole the show as we all knew he would. I will add more as I get them and have the time. Thanks to all that came from everywhere and to those who coulnd't make it, you were there with us and we know it.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Better late than never...

Well I tried to be fancy and load a video and all to the blog but it wasn't takeing it. So here are a few pictures. With only 8 days til the wedding I am trying to get all the little tedious crap accomplished and it is driving me nuts!!!

Here are the updated "Ram Lambs", 4 of the 8 rugby babies...Mikka was there but is only 31/2 mths old.

Here are a few of Grayson from the Zoo on his swings and just around.

Monday, September 03, 2007


OK Wednesday is "playschool" day for Grayson and I have charged the camera and found the proper cord. I will upload more pictures and tell you how crazy life has been lately. Only 3 weeks til the wedding and all the little stuff is piling up.

Anyone still reading this thanks for caring and I promise..this Wednesday I will post more pictures.


A Year in the Life