Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Trick or Treat!!!

So here it is. The official first Halloween that Grayson went trick or treating. We went over to Joanne, Jason and Hudson's house for dinner first and then went for candie on their street in Cranston...an area in south Calgary. It was nice and the people were very generous. Seeing as how today at about 3pm it was -2` with a wind chill of -11` tonight was even chillier so people felt for the kids and wanted them inside sooner.

Here he is in his 2nd costume of the year. We were hoping it would be 1 this year 1 next but this one barely fit him tonight. So it looks like it will be a whole new one for next year.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

First Snow of '06

So here it is. October 29th and there is a good amount of snow on the ground. It started last night and hasn't stopped yet. At least Grayson will get to wear his snowsuit this year.

We took him out for a quick play in the snow this morning and it wasn't as bad as I expected. Besides the booties attached to the suit being too small, I cut them off as soon as we got inside, he really didn't seem to mind the snow as much as in April.

Well, except when he got it right in the face.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

God Knows Why!?

But for all those hoping to see more of me on this blog, here is a picture Heather took of Grayson and I yesterday at the party.

As with most people I hate photos of myself...but especially lately, so this will most likely be one of the few you see of me on here. It is just too bad Grayson decided not to look a the camera. Obviously something much more important was happening over Heather's shoulder.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Pre-Halloween Party...Gymboree style

Today the Gymboree people had a small Halloween party for the kids. It was for all the age groups and was quite full. Above are the 3 boys, Hudson, Dylan, and Grayson, all decked out in their Halloween best. Below you can see our little Caterpillar. He would not keep the hood up as the face is very heavy and it kept falling over his eyes.

Shane actually came with us and took pictures and video, but it was too "cult like" so he says it will be the last he attends. Grayson loves to play here, it is too bad this will probably be our last class. I am sure he will love the toddler gymnastic just as much...if not better.

Sunday, October 22, 2006


Well at least that is what Shane calls the group of women Grayson and I have been doing Gymboree with since January.

Anyhow, yesterday we had an amazing playdate with many of or Gymboree friends that went back to work and are not able to do the weekly class with us anymore. It was great to see all of the girls and their children. Many of whom we have not seen in 3 mths. The kids have all grown into cutie little toddlers. Here are a
few photos of the bunch and their mommies.
We are always around boys as it is usually Grayson, Hudson, and Dylan, so it was nice to have the girls around again. Oh and it didn't take too long for Grayson and Adriana (the girl in the middle on the caterpillar) to remember each other and get up to their old antics.

And of course the man for which this site was created..he always has a great time at Sip 'N Safari but today even more so.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

As promised

So here are a few of the pictures from our recent visit to Kelowna. Again it was nice to visit, but being home is fantastic!! Now it is just counting down the time til Daddy is home again.

Sorry there really weren't too many and they are all just Grayson. Any others were too dark to publish.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

There's no place like home!!!

We are home, we are home, we are home!!! The trip to Kelowna was very nice but not the relaxing time I had hoped. Grayson pulled his usual not sleeping well thing and unfortunately for me, I was the only one who could get him to stop crying. So needless to say sleeping with him every night after being woken up at 3am was not too relaxing. We will see how tonight goes but I am not too optimistic.

I will upload the few photo's I took and make another post tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Kamloops Update

So I just this morning received new photos of Grayson's future wife...Tee Hee. Here is Eva with her proud, proud Daddy.

I am hoping that with being in Kelowna for a week, Grayson and I will get the chance to drive up to Kamloops to meet the little darling.

I will keep everyone posted on our visit to Granny and Grampa's and anything else we get to do. We are just really sad that Daddy won't be joining us.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


I forgot to show you all my little bookworm!! He loves to sit in his chair, with or without Road underneath him, and flip through his books. He has a few favourites, which he constantly brings to me to read to him, but he does go through almost all of them. Hopefully he has inherited my love of reading...even though I haven't really had the chance in about 15mths.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Well with Shane being at work for this long weekend our Turkey day was looking a little lack luster. Then Heather invited Grayson and I to join her, Graeme and Dylan at Graeme's family Thanksgiving Sunday night. It was SO nice to be out with grown-ups again and have Grayson and Dylan running around playing. It was also a football Sunday, of course, so the boys were dressed in their football best. Don't know if you can tell but the two boys are arch rivals in their division. Graeme likes the Chicago Bears, where as Shane is a Detroit Lions fan through and through.

Sorry the picture is a little dark. Our camera was cheap and is not very good with indoor, distance shots. There is no optical zoom and obviously the flash is not too strong.

Our festivities continued today when Hudson and Joanne came over for dinner. Nothing too fancy, but the boys got to play and we ate a good, albeit fattening meal. So all in all what I thought was going to be a super not so good long weekend turned into a great one with friends.

Next Grayson and I are off to Kelowna for a week to visit and for mommy to get some much needed rest.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Bubble boy

Grayson went through a phase of not really liking the tub. As you can see from this post and a few previous now has had a change of heart. He LOVES the bath and the bubbles. I thought I had taken a great picture of him just after eating a faceful of bubbles, but my camera had other ideas. It sometimes decides that certain pictures should not show up. So I am resigned to post these few that turned out.

Hope you all enjoy and I can post a few more things soon.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

More playtime

Joanne and I have a favorite hangout for after naptime. It is called Sip 'N Safari and it is a great little coffee/playhouse that the boys enjoy. It just happens to be in Queensland, which is a great halfway point for us to meet. Heather and Dylan have also joined us on a number of occasions. Here are a couple of pictures from today.

You will see here that Grayson decided that Hudson's lap was a comfy place to sit. And by Hudson's expression, he wasn't thinking the same thing.

Time well spent!!

As I said, Shane was home last week. He and Grayson got to spend some quality time together, in between the screaming and sleeping bouts. Here are a few pics of Daddy and Grayson time. Shane isn't too much of a picture guy, so I get them when I can and they are few and far between. And yes, the second picture IS Shane reading to Grayson!!

It is going to be a long 3 weeks without him, but hopefully when he gets back they can do even more fun stuff together.


A Year in the Life