Monday, January 29, 2007

Boy in the Box

Sorry to rip off an old Corey Hart tune, but we were getting some things together for Value Village and Grayson wanted to get in on the action.

Then he got stuck.
It looks a little mean but it was quite funny. We kept telling him he would fall in but he didn't want to believe us.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Cutie in a touque!!

Here is the little man in his new touque. It is reversible and is red on the inside...obviously mommy bought it for him.
Also, I bought my wedding dress yesterday!! I want to show it to the whole world but I have to wait until hoo!!!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Wedding Information

Hello all,
As many of you may know, Shane asked me to marry him on Christmas Day. As for the wedding it is September 22nd, 2007. Originally it was going to be a small family/close friends thing but of course all that has changed. It is still going to be invitation only, some of our attended weddings recently have been out of control when it came to the reception, but it is going to be a "real" wedding. But ours will have the cutest ring bearer ever!!! Unless of course he decides he doesn't feel like walking down the aisle..or over the bridge as it is going to be. So far we have purchased invitations, booked our location, secured a commissioner, and I think I have found a dress. I also have Bridesmaid dresses to choose from and we found some rings. So barring any unforeseen circumstances it may all come together nicely. Oh and I won $100.00 towards a DJ service at the Wedding Fair last weekend.

There is an update for all those interested. Sorry if you don't really care and this bores you...well no I'm not you didn't have to continue to read it did you!?

And here is Grayson doing the "Itsy Bitsy Spider"

Monday, January 22, 2007

My darling, darling son!!!

Okay, so as many of you know Shane and I are getting married this September. Well I attended the Wedding Fair in Calgary yesterday. My girlfriends cupcake shop had a booth so obviously I needed a sample. Well, I didn't eat it and I brought it home. So I left Grayson alone for 5 seconds and he found it. This is what he looked like just before bed tonight.Sorry the picture is blurry, he just won't sit still anymore.

From Carmen

Carmen tagged me on her blog so I had to fill all this out.

A-Available or Taken: does engaged with a kid count? Taken

B-Best Friend: A couple from different times in my life: and you know who you are

C-Cake or Pie: Chocolate cake all the way!

D-Drink of Choice: Diet Coke or Coffee

E-Essential Item (s) Used Everyday: Computer & any children's book

F-Favorite Colour: orange

G-Gummy Bears or Worms: Worms

H-Hometown: Newmarket, Ontario..spent a great 12 years there. Now it is Calgary, AB

I-Indulgence: Shopping for Grayson

J-January or February: January - World Junior Hockey Championship! Go Canada Go! Piggybacking on Carmen's answer

K-Kids & Names: Son - Grayson

L-Life Is Incomplete Without: Family, friends, hockey and rugby

M-Marriage Date: Will be September 22 if all goes as planned

N-Number of Siblings: 2 sisters: Kathryn and Krista - 28

O-Oranges or Apples: Have to honestly say both, it depends on my mood

P-Phobias or Fears: ?

Q-Favorite Quote: ?

R-Reason To Smile: My son!!!

S-Season: Fall for sure: all the pretty colours, but summer for Rugby

T-Tag 3 or 4 People: alas, Carmen tagged me and no one else reads me.

U-Unknown Fact About Me: I can be a girlie girl some times

V-Vegetable You Don't Like: BROCCOLI

W-Worst Habit: Too many to choose from

X-X-rays: Stomach, toe, ankle, teeth, knee...and so on and so on

Y- Your Favorite Food: a really good curry...which my future husband is awesome at, for a short white kid.

Z-Zodiac Sign: Aries and yep I am a stubborn, pigheaded, extrovert.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Thanks Auntie Kathryn!!

This comes courtesy of my sister. She took this picture over Christmas while we were all in Kelowna.

I have been bad at picture taking the last couple of days. Shane has been home since Tuesday night and all we have been doing is wedding stuff. We have bought the invitations and today found and put a down payment on our venue. It is all coming together far!! I will try to be better with the camera this weekend.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Water Baby!!

I so can't wait to take Grayson to the Dominican and let him get his first taste of the ocean. He loves the water so much; pools, spray parks, his bath.

SO much he nevers wants to get out!!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Rugby Kids

We had our first "Ram Lamb" get together today in a couple of months and it was nice to see all the little ones and how they have grown, with the exception of Tazer who was sick. Also, we got to welcome the newest addition, Angie's little girl Ivy, who joined the gang last November. Here is the best picture of the kiddos that I was a lot easier when none of them could really move around. Margo isn't looking though.

Here is Ivy on her own...she is SO petite!!

And then of course, our little man.

And I am not sure if this makes me a bad Mom, but I couldn't help it. Grayson and Jade were playing and all of a sudden Grayson was in the laundry basket. It was too funny so I had to take a picture.

That is all for tonight.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Just a cute picture.

So I try to wrap Grayson up in towels like I do when I get out of the shower..oh for those who don't know, he showers with me nearly everyday!!! Anyhoo, here is the outcome of the wrapping job, it usually only last for about 30 seconds before he is scampering around in his birthday suit.

The face of feeling better

This is Grayson this morning polishing off almost a whole piece of toast with peanut butter on it. A little bit of medicine goes a long way...that and he slept most of the day yesterday. Now I just have the daunting task of getting him to sleep on his regular schedule and by himself again. He got WAY too used to snuggling with Mommy while he was sick.

Here are a few more shots of the visibly happier boy this morning.

Oh yeah, and he has taken to the travel booster seat instead of his highchair now. He really screams if I try to put him in his highchair. So I guess that Wal-Mart gift card we got will buy a plastic, permanent booster for the "growing up too fast" Grayson Bates.

Friday, January 12, 2007

It's my life!!

So my week has been quite eventful. It started off OK, I was feeling a little poopy but nothing I couldn't deal with. Tuesday I took Grayson to the doctors as I thought he was getting another ear infection, but the doc gave us the all clear. Well if there is one thing I know it is Grayson when he is getting sick, and on Tuesday he was beginning to get sick. Joanne and Hudson came over for supper that night and all was well, until about 8pm when I began to feel ill. I had to call Joanne to make sure I didn't poison us all. Then later that night I was up sick, I threw up more than I have ever remembered...except for my drinking years. It was horrible. And of course my worst thought is that Grayson would get it. As it turns out he didn't get throw up sick thank god, but as the doctor confirmed this morning, he has the beginning of another ear infection. Which explains why he has been a real treat for the last 3 days and I could sense it was coming. I was just a few days ahead of it. Right now he is in Mommy and Daddy bed fast asleep and has been since about 11:30am. He has barely eaten in the past couple of days, but thankfully today he drank a pediasure which made me feel better. The last time we tried him with them he wanted nothing to do with it. I am hoping he wakes up and I can try him with some oatmeal as he didn't like the soup idea yesterday, but I want him to eat something more substantial.

That has been my week in a nutshell. Hopefully next is better and I can get a few more shots of the big guy for you all to see.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Running around outside.

Well since winter hasn't really hit us yet...with the exception of a cold snap in like October/November, Grayson has been enjoying the days outside. It is nice and sunny, and apart from the wind quite lovely. Here he is running around what you can call our front yard yesterday after we got back from the movie store.

And the rosy cheek of the fresh air loving boy.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Can't forget!!!

The ring!!!

This is the best I could get on my hand. I will try for it in the box to see if I can get a better angle.

Quick one.

Here is a quick post with a few pictures from Christmas. I promise to write more once more pictures come in.

First his ballpit at Grandma and Chip's house.

Then our tree Christmas morning. Most of which was for Grayson of course.
Then the man of the week in his cutie Christmas pj's. Of couse he isn't the camera hog he used to be so it is hard to get him to sit still long enoug for a photo op. And he and Daddy opening presents. Mommy stays behind the camera until at least 3 cups of coffee.

Very Bad Blogger!!!

I am sorry I haven't been keeping up on the blogging but with the holidays being SO hectic, I couldn't find the time. Now if I can get Grayson to nap again I will try to post 1 or 2 with new pictures.

Quite a bit has happened so I do have a lot to say and I know there are a few things people are waiting to see. Hopefully soon everyone.

Love you all


A Year in the Life