Thursday, May 31, 2007

Joys of selling a house.

As many of you may know, we have our condo on the market...well since we have been home we have had a showing almost everyday!!! That may seem great and don't get me wrong it is..the problem is having a VERY rambunctious 22mth old and having to chase after him with a vacuum even more so now. I thought it was bad oh man I hope our place sells soon. But it looks great. Check it out at MLS our number is C3265525.

Have a great day everyone!!!!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Quick Update.

Ok for all of you anxiously awaiting new pics, here is a quick update on the Bates household. We returned from the Dominican was FANTASTIC!!!!!! A little too humid near the end but the wedding was great, Erin looked beautiful and Dan didn't look too shabby himself.

Our house is still for sale and we are set for showings every other day or so. Therefore I am frantically running after Grayson tidying up his "little" messes. Shane is back at work, which again took him out of town but the summer is near and trips to Kelowna, Grayson's birthday and endless visits are sure to be right around the corner. Here are a few pics from our trip.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

The reality of Facebook

Firstly: HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all the mothers I know!!!

Ok so many of you know of Facebook and are as addicted as the rest. For those that don't Google it and get hooked. Anyhow, I have been on for a bit now and found many people from various points in my past. Today I was e-mailed a photo asking me if I know the girls in it. It was from someone who attended the same camp in Ontario that I did. She is older and was a counsellor while I was a camper. Anyway, here it is.

Low and behold, look who is the centre girl in the picture...none other than good ole moi!! And I was only 12 or 13 at the time. Crazy, Crazy, Crazy!!! Now you can all have a great chuckle at my expense.

Still in the midst of house renos so I will try and get a few new pics of Grayson before we leave for the Dominican. Ta Ta for now.

Monday, May 07, 2007


First off HAPPY 30th BIRTHDAY to really isn't as bad as it seems!!!

OK, it seems I may not get too much of a chance to post in the next little while. Shane and I are buying a new house therefore I am in the process of doing renos to get this condo ready for the market. We need to sell it to get a house. That being said, if anything really cool is to come up I will take time out of my busy schedule to update you all. For now here are a few random pics.

Grayson in Mommy's UGGs.


From Sue: Grayson in a pretty bow at Evan's 1st birthday party.

Take Care.


A Year in the Life